"And this is the confidence that we have toward him,
that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.
And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask,
we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him." (1 John 5:14-15 ESV)
I was on the phone with my mom the other night and it was a sweet conversation we had. My mom and the rest of my family lives in
Indonesia, a beautiful country where my heart will always beat with love. We were talking about the family, crazy unpredictable weather (I know, right?!), food, etc. Then she mentioned something about my grandma. Her name is Marlene, Lenny for short. I grew up with her since I am one of the oldest grandchildren (yipee for me) and my parents were still in the college when they had me. So, I spent almost everyday with my grandparents. My grandma LOVES to cook and eat, she is also a perfectionist (I get this from her). She is one of the strong willed woman I have known my entire life. Beside our love of everything being on its place
perfectly, we also share one passion in life (OK, beside food lol) and that is
Many of you who really knows me will also know my love for God and my passion to pray for anyone or anything. It is something I learned ever since I was a kid and it grows to me personally and it becomes my daily oxygen. Praying is my life, my passion and my joy. It is my calling in life.
OK, now let's go back to my conversation with my mom last night. She told me that my grandma had a chance to testify in her annual woman's ministry last week. In her testimony, she basically said how she knew God, went to some Bible school, serve God and others.
Then, she said something that I already know but it was a great reminder for me last night. She said,
" When God called me to know him personally and to serve Him. It changed my life. I have been a Christian my whole life, but having a special relationship with God is different than just hold onto a title of being a Christian. Since that time, I have PRAYED for my husband, children, grandchildren and those future family that God will give me. I have prayed for God's grace to save their souls and God answered every single one of that prayers of mine. My children and grandchildren now knows God, saved by His grace, and are serving Him. I am forever grateful. As for me and my household, we will (and are) serving the Lord"

The best legacy anyone could ever give their children is not possession, it is their FAITH and WISDOM! You will be amazed of what prayer will change your life and others. You will be amazed how things started in life begins with a simple prayer. Its not about the beauty of the words you said. It is not about the length of time you spent. It is not about you when you pray. It is about who you are praying to and for.
"For there is one God,
and there is one mediator between God and men,
the man
Christ Jesus"
(1 Timothy 2:5 ESV)
I have seen, heard and proved the power of prayer. I have prayed and God has answered. I have asked, and God has answered. I presented my requests and some got answered, some have not and some might never be exactly the way I wished it to be answered. But, it is worth a try!
So many times, we have blamed God, circumstances, and others for not answering or doing our request the way we wanted it to be done. We think that just because certain things don't comes out the way we expected, then it is simply mean God did not answer,or worst, God is not real. How many times did you ask your parents, boss, husband, wife, kid, friend for a favor and they refused to give it to you the way you asked. Plenty of time! Now, does that make them not real, not answering, or mean to you? or do they have the right reason/excuse? some of them yes, some of them not. Simply because not everything we wished, asked and expected come true the way we dreamed, asked or wished. Why? it is a part of being human. When everything answered then there is no room for faith, hope and even love left. Why? because we got what we want anyway..who needs God or other people to help us? Being self centered, selfish and prideful of yourself is the beginning of self destruction.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."(Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)
If you are a parent, pray for your children. Starting by telling God that you believe in Him and trusting Him to give you the wisdom, strength and ability to carry one day at a time. Start your prayer with thanksgiving to God's goodness. Say what is it that you are thankful for the day. The breath of life, food, job, house, pet, family, nature and so on. Then present your prayer request to God, may it be your children, job, financial, etc. But, simply just talk to God in your heart. He already knows what you need or going to ask Him, but He wanted to hear you saying it. In a conversation there is a feeling of knowing each other, intimacy, relationship. That is what God wants from us. Talk to Him and have a relationship with him, daily. Bear in mind that praying is not asking God to do exactly how we want it, when we want it. He knows best for the universe, let alone our needs. Trust Him to do what, when and how is the best way to do things for us and for OUR OWN GOOD.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD,
plans for welfare and not for evil,
to give you a future and a hope."
(Jeremiah 29:11 ESV)
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose."
(Romans 8:28 NIV)
Understand that praying is not about making God your server or slave. When we pray to Him, we pray to the living God who created heaven and earth. He OWNS everything. He doesn't owe us anything. If He spared time to hear your prayers, that is an honor. That is not because He must,its because He wants to do that for us. Because God is love. He wants whats best for you and one of the best way to get to know Him is through praying, reading the Bible and obey Him.
If you are curious about God and everything about Him. Start reading the book of
John and
Romans. If you want some uplifting verses when you are praying, try to read
I wanna thank my grandma and my mom for praying for me and teach me how to pray. I started praying when I was still in diapers. I started praying over simple things, like when I woke up every mornings and when I was about to go to sleep at night. I prayed before I ate with thanksgiving. I then started to pray for other people, nations, leaders, celebrity, world issues and even strangers. I found my strength, comfort, hope, love and faith through praying and it is all started because someone before me was praying for me to know God. That someone is my grandma and then my mom. They pray and they show me how to pray. Above all, they teach me to love the Lord and that is the most amazing thing anyone could have ever done in my life.
Who is praying for you? I am praying for you right now as you read this blog. There is always someone praying for you, even those that you do not know their names. Jesus was praying for you. If you need any prayer request, please leave a comment or inbox me. I will pray for you! You are not alone in this world.
(All Images: google search)