Someone who hugs me
Someone who likes me, even taking pictures with me and makes us look gooooddddd

Someone who tells me if/when I am good or bad

Someone who does not mind our differences
Someone who listens and share their wisdom
Someone who shows me affection regardless of where we..stand..(live)

Someone who chills with me and killing time together
Someone who shares their strengths and weaknesses' moments with me
Someone who literally Rolling On The Floor Laughing with me
Someone who shares their belonging with me
Someone who could be my "Partner In Crime" ..in a very stylish & fun way
Someone who prays with/for me

Someone who will do anything with me
Someone who will do anything for me

(Hubby and Luke)
Someone who makes me happy and enjoys my presence
Someone who makes me happy and enjoys my presence

Someone who does silly things with me.

(My hubby and Luke)
Someone who will carry me and loves me to the end of my time