"He is rich who is content with the least; for contentment is the wealth of nature."
There are times in life when we do not appreciate what we have in the present moments because we want something more in life, which is not totally wrong, ambition is a good thing when it is balanced with wisdom. It becomes wrong when we want something more in life turned into ungratefulness, complaining and do nothing about it, comparing and blaming others for your own "I want what they have" moments.
If you spend a lot of time talking to old people, you will be amazed at how content their lives are all about by just having a new oxygen to breath, someone to call, meal on the table and newspaper. It is the simple thing in life that most of us forget most of the time, because we already have it, therefore those simple things in life lost their value.
We get use to it and we thought it is no big deal, everyone has it, right? WRONG!
Water..we live in a country where you could drink water directly from the sink faucet, in some countries you must boiled the water first then wait for it to cool down then you could drink it. In some countries, you must walk for miles just to get water, unhealthy dirty water, and when you found it for maybe a bucket, you must walk back to your house for miles, then boiled them, then wait to drink the water that is not even clean after you boiled them. You could still taste the dirt in your mouth!
We have water in a very easy and comfortable way right in front of our eyes. Not everyone has it the way we have our water.
Water is just an example, simple yet we need them so badly in our lives because we could survive without food but not without water.
My point is we take everyday things that we have for granted because we think that is not important, everyone has it anyway. But it is the most important thing in life that we have, we forget the value and nope.. not everyone has it in life.
These days everything seems so fast and advanced. Technology, beauty industry, social media, etc, that makes us want more in life. Things that we do not necessary need in life yet it becomes our standard of happiness, value, social life, beauty, satisfaction, rich or poor, etc.
You will be fine without your phone, but you will die without water!
Learn from an animal, who is content and praising God when they have food to eat, water to drink, place to sleep or hang out (may it be a filthy ground, a cave, a tree).
My dog is at his happiest moment when he sees me come home from work, everyday! His joy never drained..always so excited and thankful to see me home, appreciates me to the max and do all of his tricks just to make me happy.
My dog is at his happiest moment when he sees me come home from work, everyday! His joy never drained..always so excited and thankful to see me home, appreciates me to the max and do all of his tricks just to make me happy.
Are you that happy when your mom and dad comes home from a hard day at work? Did you hug them or tell them you appreciate their hard work for you?
When was the last time you appreciate your spouse or children or food/water on your table or jobs or kind neighbor?
When was the last time you appreciate your spouse or children or food/water on your table or jobs or kind neighbor?
Little things in life that we have, we forget the value, yet it is important!
You never know until you lost them!
A week ago, AT&T U-Verse was having problems in my area and they never have any problem until that day. My Internet, TV and phone were down. I had never feel so sad in my life hahhha..you never know how much you depended your happiness on technology until that kind of things happened. It was only for 24 hours, but oh my gosh..I was on my ninja mode. I tried to be Mac Gyver to Steve Jobs all at once, I tried to fixed the internet, phone and TV. When every attempt does not work, I called the company and they told me that the problem was with their company and they are trying to fixed it.
It was the longest 24 hours of my life and the worst part is my husband is out of town and I could not reach him due to his job in the military.
The next morning I woke up and see my TV, Internet and phone working again was like experiencing miracles in life. You should have seen my face and the words of thankfulness flowing out of my mouth LOL. OK, I exaggerate a little but the point is I was very happy!
It goes the same thing with people, you never know until you lose them to death or occasion in life.
Enjoy what you have now in life, be thankful and proud of yourself for having those things and people in your life. Not everyone has it the way we do, so complaining and comparing, especially do nothing in between, is not good for your own sanity :)
There will always be someone prettier, richer, smarter, better than you. But, God did not create you to be him or her. You are created to be yourself with purposes that made specifically for you. You might not have it now, but you do not know what the future holds for you.
There are things/people that you might never have, so why not enjoy with what you actually have and could have in life.
I always value and respect those who earn what they have by working with their own hands. I love diligent people, I hate lazy people. Live a life that is worth living for with a grateful heart. It is easier to say it than to actually living it, especially when you know people who get it very easy in life and you have to work so hard to get certain things in life. But, hating those who has it the "easy" way will only make your life harder and who needs that in life, right?
We might as well enjoy what we have, who knows what tomorrow holds for us?
I am content, therefore I am rich.
Things will never satisfy your needs, your heart's gratitude toward those things that will satisfy you. If you are greedy or never feel content, then you have a miserable life. You cannot keep up with everything, you cannot have everything, so don't beat yourself up!
