"The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation"
-C.S. Lewis-
I am currently reading the book, "Fearless" by Eric Blehm, it is a story of heroism, life, love for the country, family, struggling, what faith can do, hope in the middle of a crisis, and what one man could do to change the world.
I am a sucker for military stories, history, heroism, any true stories, inspirational stories, hope and faith in the middle of a crisis. I love to read great stories about great people who deserve to be called a "HERO".
A hero for me is an ordinary person who did an extraordinary things in this world. A person who change other people's lives to a better one. A person who saved other people's lives. A person who is known because of their unselfish act, undying love, faithfulness and courageous action in their lifetime. I am very picky to call someone a hero, unless that person is a real hero. It takes sacrifice and unselfish act of love to put your life in front of other people so that they may live. It takes courage and faithfulness to do something to change other people's lives. It takes patient, love and hope to believe that there is something I could do more to help others and not afraid to actually do it.
In this era, people use the word "hero" too generous and a lot of people get confused with that word because those who deserves that word do not get the appreciation they deserved or did not get recognized the way they should have been because of political reasons, confused society and lack of knowledge. Read more of their stories and you will realize what they sacrificed in a regular day just to saves, protects and serves us. I am not talking just about the military people, but also other law enforcement agencies. Yes, it is a job and they chose to work that specific job. But, they are real people just like you and I. They have hobbies, weakness and strength, family and friends. The difference is they are brave enough to work in that line of duty.
Imagine if nobody wants to do it. Nobody is brave enough to sign the paper that prioritize other people above their own lives (and their loved ones). Somebody needs to do it, so that this world could be a better and safe place for our kids to enjoy.
Many of those who died in war are very young and they left a lot of young lives behind, their children. It is important for these kids to understand that we, the citizens, appreciate their fathers and mothers sacrifices. Many of us do not even know their names, but for these children, they lost the one person that they loved the most so that you and I could live a better life. Please make sure that these children knows that you appreciate and proud of their parents.

These heroes might be young, but they have offered and gave the best any human being could offer to another human being, their very own LIFE. It is not how we die that defined us as a human being, it is how we have lived our lives. Be a hero to someone today! Thank a hero today! Appreciate a hero today and do the same tomorrow, the next day and so on.
Who is your hero today? May it be your mom or dad, brother or sister, friend, teacher, or maybe he or she is a stranger to you but their unselfish act makes them a hero to yourself. The question is, have you told them that they are your hero and thank them? :)

My grandpa :)

These are some of the websites to appreciates them:
"The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example."
Benjamin Disraeli