"Because there is no true happiness apart from holiness, and there is no true holiness apart from knowing what it means to suffer unhappiness. And there is no knowing how to suffer unhappiness apart from God."
Have hope, stay strong and discover your true happiness in life.
We only have ONE life,
it is not worth to live our one life wasted, unhappy and lost.
Sadness is a part of life,
it does not have to be your everyday life.
on the other hand,
suppose to be a part of our everyday life.
ONE life to live,
ONE life to fulfilled,
ONE life to offer,
ONE life that could changed many lives!
When I feel like God is far away from me,
When I feel like I am lost,
When I feel like God is silent..too silent..,
Then I know I am way too far away from His path
I am suffering
I am suffering when I live a life without God,
I am suffering when I live a lack of passionate life,
I am suffering when I lost compassion toward others,
I am suffering when I do things that brings me temporary happiness,
I am suffering when I stop praying, stop hoping, unfaithful
to the ONE and ONLY,
my creator,
my everything.
I once was lost, but now i'm found
I was blind, but now i see..
I see that I cannot live without Love, Hope and Faith,
I see that I am worthy,
I see that I found my true happiness in Him..
overflowing peace,
unspeakable joy,
kindness and mercy
compassion..an everlasting compassion..
..life is good..
That is my true happiness

I don't wanna live any other way.
What is Your True Happiness?