Those are just a little samples of what our Father in heaven is all about. He is ALL that, more and beyond our languages, understanding, wisdom, and words could ever describe.
The idea of having a heavenly Father might be new, foreign or sounds ridiculous to you. Maybe you don't believe in God and the concept of trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is silly according to you. But, if you want to know more or just curious about it, please click on these websites just to get an idea of what this"Father in heaven" is all about:
-Anything about Christianity in general, you could check out this website: http://www.desiringgod.org/
(PS. Of course there are a lot of Christians websites, but just be careful before you read them, check out their credibility and doctrines. "Desiring God" is a great website that I, personally, find helpful.)
Some of us when we heard the word "Father, Daddy, Papa, Pops, Ayah, Bapak, Abba", etc. We immediately think of our own father or I may say it our "earthly/biological/caregiver/step/adopt parent", etc. The father figure that we grew up with since we were a kid is not necessarily describe or represent our Father in heaven. Our "earthly" father might be a great man, wise, provider, etc, but he is not perfect, he is after all just a human, just like you and I, we made mistake.
There are also fathers who are far from perfect; they are abusive, lazy, run away from their responsibilities as a father (or husband), etc. But, whether we like it or not, that man is your father and as much as we hate them, it will not eliminate the fact that he is your father.
It is NOT your fault if you have a father who is just a "sperm donor" and does not do anything as a good father suppose to do, for example: teaching your kids discipline and shows love at the same time, provide for the family, work with their own hands not begging from other people, protect the family, loves your mother, your friend but also your mentor/leader that teach your right and wrong, etc.
Sadly, there are so many children grows up these days without knowing their own father (or mother). Some people chose to love themselves more than to be a responsible person, too selfish to sacrifice for someone who desperately wanting and needing their love and affection.
There are fathers who are having problems with the "baby momma" and neglects their children, even though the children is caught in the middle. Adults make love, get pregnant, have a baby, problem comes, fight, and get a divorce, but you will never get divorce from your own flesh and blood. You are the father and will always be one, even if the court limit your time with your kids, it does not mean you are not responsible for their lives.
Mothers, even if you have problems with the daddy, he is still your children's father, respect his right to be with the children (unless he is not a "fit" parent, then protect your kids from the evil one-vice versa for the daddy with the evil "baby momma" lol).
The good news is even though our "earthly" daddy is a jerk, horrible person, far from perfect, neglecting you, forsaken you, disowned and abuse you in so many ways, WE have a heavenly FATHER who will never forsaken, forgotten, neglect and abuse you in any way. We could always come to Him in prayers, believing by faith that He is Lord, our Father in heaven, who will provide for us, guide us and gives us eternal life.
"For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the LORD will take me in."
Psalm 27:10
“Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you."
Isaiah 49:15
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
John 14:18
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrew 13:5
Read/Click: Matthew 6:1-34 and Luke 11:5-13