Indonesia, tanah airku Tanah tumpah darahku Disanalah aku berdiri Jadi pandu Ibuku Indonesia, kebangsaanku Bangsa dan tanah airku Marilah kita berseru INDONESIA BERSATU!
Hiduplah tanahku, hiduplah negeriku
Bangsaku, rakyatku, semuanya Bangunlah jiwanya, bangunlah badannya Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya Merdeka! Merdeka! Tanahku, negeriku, yang kucinta Indonesia Raya Merdeka! Merdeka! Hiduplah Indonesia Raya | Indonesia, our homeland Our birthplace Where we all arise To stand guard over this our Mother Indonesia, our nationality Our nation and homeland Come then let us all exclaim INDONESIA UNITED!
Long live our land, long live our country
Our nation, our people, and all Arise then its spirit, arise its bodies For Indonesia the Great
Indonesia the Great Independent and free! Our beloved homeland and country Indonesia the Great Independent and free! Long live Indonesia the Great |
Dirgahayu Indonesia-ku!
Jayalah bangsaku!
Diberkatilah negeriku!
Terima Kasih Pahlawanku, Pejuang 1945!

I am a proud family of 1945's heroes and I am a proud Indonesian!
Happy Independence Day, Indonesia
-August 17TH 1945-
(P.S I am posting it a day early, because it is already the 17TH in Indonesia)