I might not understand how it feels to be you, your problem and your valley of darkness at this very moment, but I do know what it feels like to live a life of hardship. Many times in my life, I feel like God has forgotten me or He is unjust for bringing me ALL these problems, while other people I know, seems so happy. Even if when they say they have a problem, it seems
"lighter" compares to mine. We tend to
think that our problems is heavier than others, and we tend to
assume that other people is happier than us, when we are facing hard times in life.
"The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power." - Mary Pickford
It is understandable to feel the hatred, jealousy, unjust, or sadness when you are down, the burden is very heavy, the tunnel seems very dark, and you see other people that you know (family, friends, co worker, etc) seems happy. The worst is, maybe they are actually happier than you at
THAT moment. But, knowing that everyone of us has their own valley, burden and sadness. They either not showing it, they have passed it, they have hope, or their problems are different than yours. Sometimes one carries heavier burden than others and it is because everyone has different life, different options, different path that they chose and different way to express or facing their problems. But, you are
NOT the only one with problems!
I woke up with this very good reminder from Billy Graham, and I will quote it for you, from this
"God has a plan for the life of every Christian. Every circumstance, every turn of destiny, is for your good. It is working together for completeness. His plan for you is being perfected. All things working together for your good and for His glory. As a young Christian, Ruth, my wife, wanted to be a missionary, as were her father and mother. But God had other plans for her life. Changing circumstances revealed God’s will to her, and she was happy where God had placed her. So many of us ask God to change the circumstances to suit our desires, instead of us conforming our wills to His. Don’t let circumstances distress you. Rather, look for the will of God for your life to be revealed in and through those circumstances." - Billy Graham
I always reminding myself that circumstances are temporary but character is forever shaped from every circumstances we have in our lifetime. Hardship builds strong characters! If you are facing any problems in life, knowing that you are not alone with problem, we all have ours.
Whatever it is that you are facing right now, This Too Shall Pass!
Whatever it is that burdens you right now, This Too Shall Pass!
Whoever bothers you right now, This Too Shall Pass!
"A grateful heart is an attitude that has been shaped after going through a lot of pain, struggling and down moments. It's a heart that's willing to say thank you and appreciate the present moment with joy because it has learned that life could be a lot worse. "Now, I am going to give thanks and live my life", says that heart." (Me)
“We learn faith through testing, hope through darkness, patience through delay.”

"Dear God, whoever is reading this blog and at the end of their hope, grasping for air while they are drowning, see nothing but darkness in the tunnel and have lost their hope and faith,
I pray that YOU, my God,
will comfort
I pray that Your hands will touch their souls and restore their hope. I pray that Your will be done in this person's life and change their life forever.
I pray that You will show them a way out of their troubles,
a life worth living for,
a life worth fighting for.
I pray that You are providing their every needs according to Your richness and glory.
I pray that You will strengthened them, heal them, restore them, and renew their life as they are praying with me.
I do not know what they are going through right now,
I might not understand their burdens and worry,
but YOU do, for nothing is hidden from Your sight and nothing is impossible with/for You.
I pray that Your hand will hold this person and make them realize
how big, how strong, how mighty are You, my Lord.
Even when our parents has forgotten us, despised us, hating us, but You will never forgotten nor forsaken us.
The world is an evil, unjust, and crazy place, but in You, we find our peace, healing, hope, way out, comfort, strength, love and hiding place.
I pray for Your mercy, grace, forgiveness and healing for whoever is reading this blog right now and I pray for Your miracle hands to start working in the midst of our storms in life.
Thank You.
In Your name, Jesus Christ, we pray!