Wednesday, June 1, 2011

..Just Breathe..

The more you know someone, the more you know what to say or what not to say. What to do or not to do. When to say or do it! It is all about the two T's (TOPIC and TIME).

Today I was feeling like this :

It feels like one of those days when you are trying to save the world, your own world, and the world is turning against you. Somehow, we all have that sixth sense of kinda know when your day will be bad or good. Today, is one of those "sixth sense" day for me. I knew it was going to be a hard weird day and it was..urrghh..

The weather was just awful. That's a start, and work was overwhelmed. If you are a perfectionist and people pleaser, just like me, then you know how hard it is to be us! It is not easy to do everything the way it is suppose to be functioned. It is not easy to plan your life and do exactly just the way you planned it. It is even harder when it is failed, missed the target or one of those surprises that you did not want. Yeah, life happens!

So, the weather in San Francisco sucks today. Work was stressful. I just want to be home, soaking in a hot tub with my favorite music. I kinda feel listening to a singer like Adele today. I also need a good nutritious food for my overwork, overtired and overstressed body. I also need to watch some good TV show. I need to write my blog as well, which I did.

I complained a lot today huh? LOL!

When I am in this kinda mood, I try to stay away from talking to other people. Especially those that I hold dear in my heart. Why? Because today is a bad time to see me and a sensitive topic or issue would turn into a World War III. LOL.

As a human being, we have those moments in life when we just need to be alone and do our own thing. Stuff that makes us relax, happy thoughts and alone. Just you and for you moment. We need that.

I need a vacation. Far away from the city, crowded and stressful life.

Maui, Hawaii

I try to stay away from annoying people asking the same question and pushing the same hot buttons, over and over again. Sometimes, people just need to be left alone. Don't bother them. Let them live their life and take care of your own life. When someone don't answer your question, they either don't know the answer or they just don't think it is your business.

Sometimes life gives you no other option than what is available in front of you. Like it or not, want it or not, those are your options for today. Grab it and make it work. Tomorrow has its own troubles. If tomorrow comes, the troubles for today has gone as well. Let it be in the past. The body needs to rest, the mind needs to be at peace. Those work can wait, you need to just breathe and rest!

Think of your happy moments, think of tomorrow will be a better day.

BREATHE..and let go! 
Sleep well readers!

Images: via

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