Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Hello Readers,

How was your Christmas? I hope you had a great time with your loved ones and got to do some things that you could cherish and remember forever! Christmas is still my favorite holiday and I cannot wait til next year, LOL.

Anyway, on my previous post, I was talking about what I want for Christmas. I finally figure it out yesterday. Well, its a little too late for Christmas gift, but I got what I wanted, needed and loved for this Christmas. I got to REST, RELAX and ENJOY my life with my loved ones. No work, no stress, no waking up early, no workout, NOTHING! Just REST!

It sounds like I am the laziest human being on earth. But, I am not lazy and I deserve it all ;)

Sometimes we forgot what really important in life because we are too busy pursuing things that actually are not the most important in life.

Yes, we must work to provide and survive. Yes, we must workout to have a healthy body. Yes, we must be productive with our job and etc. But, it is also important to take a time off from all the craziness, ritual and robotic life we have. By robotic, I meant "an everyday the same routine" life. We wake up at certain time, dragged our feet to the bathroom, made/eat breakfast, go to work, on the same car/carpool/bus at the same time from Monday-Friday, work, lunch at certain time with certain people on the same spots, work, get off work, bus, home, dinner, shower and sleep.

Sometimes we are alive, but not living.

We have to love our own body and give it the time to rest, relax, heal and restored. A tired body will triggered a lot of unintentional words and actions. Many of them leads to a useless conversation, confrontation, ideas and depressing moments.

Take some days off, not just a day, but SOME days off! It will benefits yourself, those around you and your work as well.

I got to enjoy things that I have not been able to enjoy with my loved ones due to our workaholic syndrome, schedule and life. It is sad that we waste so much time for other people than with those that we love the most. I enjoy this Christmas so much because I found peace, healing, restoration, relaxing moments with my husband. I also got a lot of great gifts ;)

Well...take some days off...REST, RELAX and ENJOY! Put it in your 2012 resolution or bucket list :)

xoxo, Lindsay, Ryan and Luke

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