Today is National POW/MIA Recognition Day. The DoD has more than 600 people dedicated to the worldwide mission of accounting for the more than 83,000 missing service members from conflicts as far back as World War II. To learn more about the Defense Department's mission to account for missing Americans, visit the DPMO website at http://www.dtic.mil/dpmo.
Please keep them and their families in your prayers, hearts and thoughts, not just for today but everyday, until they ALL come home, it will give closure and hopefully peace of mind to the families who are still waiting and hoping.

Please visit these websites to bring Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl home:
There are ways to help him come home:
1. Praying
2. Call Your Congress:
Contact your Elected Officials today and tell them to Bring Bowe Home!
Ways to Contact your Elected Officials:
(1) Call 
(2) Tweet elected officials. For lists to tweet our elected officials check out https://twitter.com/POWMIAvoice/lists use hash tags #BoweBergdahl #POW #BringBoweHome
(3) Write your elected officials. To find the address of your elected official use http://www.contactingthecongress.org/ this will connect you with their specific website which will include a mailing address.
May God be with all of you and your families, gives you comfort, hope and peace of mind.
We REMEMBER you and praying for your return.
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