Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Laziness destroys life!

via google search

Creative mind does not sit around and do nothing. When people don't do anything or don't care to do something good in their life, its an insult to the Creator. He created you to do something with your life, not wasting it by doing nothing.

Laziness destroys opportunities, talent and purposes!

People who is proud to say that they are lazy and laugh about it, does not even know the quality of life itself. LIFE is far more precious than anything in this world. Go to the hospital and you can see those people begging for life. No matter how rich you are, you cannot buy life because life is a gift from God, daily!

How selfish are we to wasting this precious gift of God by doing nothing? Taking a break or rest from your busy life is not what I meant by wasting. I am talking about people who literally don't care to do something with their life, something good that change your life or others.

When God created you, He has purposes in His mind. Purposes that He knew we can do it. But when we don't activate the talent, gift, ability that we have in us then how in the world would we be able to even know we actually have a purpose in life?!

You can laugh and tell the world that you are lazy and think that it is funny. Well, sometimes it is funny when you just saying it out of a joke. But, if you really are lazy and do not have any intention to do anything with your life, then you waste your life on purpose!

You have no idea how many lives can be saved, changed and blessed by us doing something to contribute. Imagine if everyone is as lazy as you are and don't work. Imagine if everyone don't wanna take care of their health by eating whatever and do nothing. Imagine if children just sit around and skip school everyday. Imagine if the government sleep all day and neglect their jobs. Imagine if the law enforcement just sit around and could care less about the neighborhood. Imagine if the priests dont preach anymore. Imagine when everyone in this world is as lazy as you are, doing nothing. This world will be in so much chaos, poverty, sickness and the crime will be very high!

One step at a time. One idea at a time. One contribution at a time will help this world to become better. When all of us use the talent, gift and ability that God gives, it will change the world. Obedient does not mean sit around and be lazy. Faith without action is dead! How can you activate your faith by doing something when you don't even do anything?


We have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have time to feed your imaginary animals in facebook, and tweet something to Kim Kardashian or dress your doll up (or whatever) in your xbox games..then you have time to do other things that could help other people find LIFE.

TV, Video games,Internet and the list goes on...are great and very entertaining. But, when we waste our life worship and serving them, we spend less time to worship and serving God. We waste time to be with our family because we spend it too much on other unimportant thing. We waste time to help one person at a time, because we are too "busy" wasting our lives by entertaining ourselves aka selfish!

I did not suggest you to stop having fun with your life. You can have all the fun you want as long as you do something to contribute in this life (the temporary one).

We will not live forever! One day we will be judge, and on that day, we will be surprised on how many hours we have spent doing nothing than something.

Facebook time: 2 million hours. 
Volunteer time : 200 hours. 
Video games time: 200.000 hours. 
TV: 3 million hours. 
Praying: 300 hours. 
Spend time with family : 500.000 hours. 
Spend time at the bar: 800.000 hours 
and the list goes on and on. 

Wasting a life is a tragedy!

"It is better to lose your life than to waste it."
John Piper

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