Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas is the merriest and loneliest time of the year

Christmas decorations is all over the city. Christmas carols is all I have been listening to lately. Christmas gifts' list is almost done. But somehow, I feel lonely and sad.

The Christmas season is killing me. I am not a Christmas hater, in fact I love Christmas with all my heart. Its just that I miss my family so much and they are all the way in Indonesia. I have nobody here and holiday season is starting to affected me in a negative way. You know when people says that Christmas can be a merry, happiest time of the year and also the most depressed, loneliest time of the year. I am one of those lonely and depressed person during Christmas time.

Christmas is still my favorite time of the year. I love the tradition, the decorations, snow, food and family time. I come from Manado, Indonesia, and in that city, Christmas is a HUGE deal.

We started baking our homemade Christmas cookies since October and Christmas carols is starting since October as well. On Christmas eve, people usually gathered with their family in their house, pray, eat and go to church. The 25th-26th are going to Church day as well. Then you can visit anyone's house in that city to wished them Merry Christmas, eat and just enjoying the holiday moment.

Christmas started on the 24th night and ended in January 2nd LOL.

Every household will have at least 4 kinds of cookies, all homemade. Each household will cook a lot of foods to entertained whoever visited their houses. Mostly families, friends, relatives, and neighbors. But, our doors always open for strangers as well.

When I got here, Christmas has become a "shopping" season and lost its meaning as a day of joy, hope and Christ as the King. It has become so commercial that people is more concerned about what to buy than the moment of hope itself. People dont even say MERRY CHRISTMAS anymore. It has becomes the day of gift exchange, santa, the day of sleep because work awaits on the 26th, the day to get drunk, a day of loneliness for some people. It is a totally different experience for me and it kills me, slowly :(

I do love the gift exchange and all, but I also want to go to Church and see some family members. Too bad for me, I don't have all of that in here. Now, I understand why some people chose to spend their Christmas working late or getting drunk.

The fact that you are alone while some people "seemed" happier than you with their loved ones. The fact that nobody care enough to wish you a merry Christmas or to invite you to their house, is not a fun feeling in holiday season. The fact that you have to work the next day is also not fun LOL.

I am still excited for Christmas even though it is not the same anymore. I keep my eyes on why we have Christmas itself. It is a day of celebration. Its the day to remember why Christ came to earth.

He came for us to receive Him, to get saved and to have hope in Him. It is more than just a day with family, friends, gifts and all that. It is a joyful occasion. Do not let anyone or anything take that hope away from your heart. I am talking to myself as well :)

I just want to remind all of you who have a family member in here to cherish the moment. Enjoy your time with your family and love ones, because for people like me, that is the most wonderful moment of Christmas that I will always remember forever. I wish my family lives closer to me, but since they are so far away, I can only close my eyes and remember every moment I have with them in Christmas time. It puts a smile on my face :)


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