Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Am Already Disturb, Please Come In


People tend to do the things we told them not to do
or should I say, "rules are meant to be broken?,"
This sign should do it!
*still laughing*

Sometimes what we need to do in life is to let other people know how we really feel at that moment, that way they will not pushed your button or disturbed you when you need your holy moment of "Me Time" and you will not hurt them with your attitude or words. 

When we stressed out, 
we tend to say and do things that we do not mean to do, 
but a tired body and mind could not think straight. 

Everyone needs a break, a rest, a time to re-think and re-energized the body, soul, Many of us think that we could not do that because there are so many people and things that depended on us and therefore we have no time to rest, re-think, re-energized ourselves, even when we need it.

Many times, we let ourselves down in order to make other people happy or functioned. It may sound selfish, but the benefits of you taking care of you is huge. You may never know what a five minutes rest or an hour or a day of "do not disturb" me moment will do to yourself (and others).

Marriage is the field of learning what to do and what not to do!

First year of my marriage, I tend to think and expected my husband to know me, to understand me, and then to  realized that he is actually clueless (he is not a mind reader).

When I am down, sad or stressed out, I expected my husband to just know it, but he did not. Men says that women are mysterious. That might be a surprise for us, women, because we think we are a VERY easy creature, "what not to love and what not to understand's" thought, but we are wrong. Women are complicated compare to men. I learned more about this after I got married. HA!

I, sometimes, do not understand me!

Hormonal, complicated feelings, circumstances, blah blah.. that is not the case. If you feel like you are in a bad mood, you should tell your spouse. Tell them specifically what you want to do, need to do and what you expected from them to help you out. There are times that they might not be able to help you out, because it is your own problem and you are the one who should help yourself out, but many times they are a great helper. If you do not tell others what you are feeling, they might take it personally. Many times, they (spouse, kids, etc) are the problem, but sometimes they are not the problem, but they are the one who get yelled at and that will hurt them.

Do yourself a favor and save yourself!

I took a huge leap of faith when I quit my job,my source of income, my comfort zone. But, it was the right time to do so because I was going insane with my over worked body. I was exhausted mentally, physically and drained spiritually. I need a rest in order for me to re-arrange my own life to be a better me. I feel a lot better after that break and loving my life again.

We need to be brave,
do not over think or over analyze something that is actually a very simple issue. 

Sometimes, all you need to do is to re-think, re-energized, re-arrange your life and to let others know that you need that "Me Time" or "I am already disturb, please come in" sign and I betcha..nobody will mess with you at that time!

For those who did not get it (lol)
*It is not an invitation, it is a warning sign*


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