Saturday, December 6, 2008

Be Content

One of my favorite verse in the Bible was “Your grace is sufficient for me” How can we get to that point when God’s grace must be enough for us,it is not an easy thing to understand especially to practice it and really, I mean literally be sufficient with it.

God’s grace, what is grace? For me, grace means an action of true love. Grace means I don’t deserve it but I get it anyway. God’s grace is my salvation. God’s blessings are myself,my family, friends, job, money, everything that I have in my life until the day I die are BLESSINGS.

So many time people wants the blessing but forget about the grace itself is actually more than enough for us. 

Blessing is one of the benefit we get, but grace is more than benefit, grace is something you dont deserve but you get it. Picture this story, a man who is on death row and then someone replace his place in that death row. That man on the death row is us and the replacement is Jesus. We are sinners, none of us are sin free, without God’s love there will be no grace and mercy.

Be content. Its easy to say it than doing it. Its hard to be content because it is in our nature as a human to always want something more in life. We have a Honda, we want a Jaguar, we have a jaguar 2003, then we want the 2007 one. We have $500 then we want $10000. We buy the cute yellow dress and yet we still want the cute pink dress with the purse,etc. The point is human will never be satisfied, no matter how rich, beautiful or powerful they might get. There is always a hole in their life to be “more.”

Why is that? why is it so hard for God to please human than it is to please his other creation? Animals will be happy when they have food. Human won't be happy with just food, we need clothes, houses, companions, blah blah blah!

Is it because human is God’s number one creature, His favorite, His everything and that makes us spoil compare to the other creation of His?

To be content is something that wont happen overnight. It needs trials, errors, learning, and moving on. It takes time and not everyone gets it or should I say learn to be content. I do believe that to be content is a process of learning, not everyone gets it, not everyone wants it even though they know that content can bring a huge satisfaction for their life.

You dont need to buy tons of self improvement books to make you successful. You dont need a shrink to make you feel better about yourself. You dont need anyone to tell you that you are beautiful. You need to love yourself and your life.

I know its not easy, trust me..I know! But here is the secret, once we accepted our life, it will be easier to love life. By loving it, we make progress in our lives, little by little we will be able to conquer our lives. One step at a time and one day, you will be able to understand and learning to be content. Simply because nobody will ever get anything they want in life.

If we do not learn to be content, life maybe be such a dissapointed journey, life might feel boring, life may be a failure.

By being content doesnt mean we dont have to do anything in life. Being content means you love your life no matter what because there is more in life than just me, myself and I.

Being content means I am happy regardless of my situation, being content means we are mature enough to face our future. You will never be happy in your life until you understand the meaning of being content!

Why would I write about being content? Because in today’s world, we have seen heard and experienced the things we have done or said just because we dont know what the word content is all about.

How many people working so hard and they dont even have time for their family? One of the most important thing in life is family. How many people dying to be thin because they dont feel good enough unless they are thin. How many people lost the people they love because they are not rich enough for them? How many people fight with each other because they want more power? We know it yet we are still letting ourselves down by KEEP doing it.

Again, being content doesn't mean you don't have to do anything, but learn to love yourself, your life, there is no greater gift than life itself. 

Being content means we are thankful for what we have, no matter how small or big that is. When we learn to be content, we will have a happy life, not a problem free life but a happier life even when things goes the other way.

Nothing that we need more in life than life itself. What would be greater than the air we breath? You could have billions of dollars, you still can't buy your breath.

How do we learn to be content? Everyday life!

Look at the people around you, look at what you have in life, look how far you are going in life. Stop and smell the roses, you might be surprise to see little thing is actually what matters most, you will be surprise how a smile can change a world.

Be thankful with what you have is a first step to be content. Be happy with your life! Enjoy what you have, live your life to the fullest. Of course we will always want more in life, but set your priority in life. Once you understand the whole idea of life, you will be able to live it with contenment.

Being content is an act of the heart, not to surrender to your situation but to surrender to God. If we believe that God is the God ,Lord and savior of our lives, we will be able to surrender.

Being content is a choice, you either choose to love your life or not. If there is something you dont like about yourself or life, then do something to change it. But always have the mindset of being content.

Instead of complaining of being fat, why dont you workout and eat right?. Instead of being jealous of someone else career, why dont you go to school and have your own career? Instead of blaming God for your life, why dont you do something to make it better and so on.

So, once you love your life, yourself and understand that there is better and greater things than just your own situation,you will learn to be content. Don't get stuck just thinking of how to please yourself. Learn to please other people, don't get stuck of working to earn money, try working for fun or working to help other people.

Your point of view about life might changed once you step out of your little box called “my small world = myself, my problem.”

OK..I am still learning to be content as well, like I told you guys, its not easy. Thats why I wrote the blog, because I got a clearer picture when I wrote things down. When I write there are a lot of insipiration comes to the brain, I wrote and I learn as well.

My conclusion of being content is to be thankful for what we have, to be responsible for what we have, and to understand that we are not the only one with problems. There are a lot of people who are less fortunate than us. Life isnt just about me and my needs and yes knowing that GOD’S GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR ME.

(All Images Are Taken From

As long as I have grace, I have a great life.

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