Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Quotes :)


“When you think this is the end of it all, it might just be a new beginning of another great season in life”

“When you think that you are strong, be careful, because you probably are in your weakest point of life. But you will never measure how strong you really are until you are in your deepest weaknesses”

“Life happens only once, but forgiveness happens all the time”

“Life is just a journey that full of season and times, the end of it is just a beginning of the real season of eternity”

“When you think that God leaves you, He is even closer than your own breath”

“Treasures will be gone. Seasons will all be past. Life will come to an end, but what’s done for God will last”

“Dont walk in a road that seem right, walk in a road that you can see where it ends”

“You will never feel poor if you live richly with God”

“An honest man walk without fear. He will walk wih pride and integrity. He might be lost his life beacuse of his own principles of life ,but he will gain victory in every generation after him”

“The first place to start your honesty is to be honest to yourself”

“The hardest battle in your life is to fight your own flesh”

“The wise man always thing ahead, while their enemies think they will win the lost war”

“A nation that stand strong is a nation of prayer”

“It is never too late to make a decision, but second chance is golden than the first one”

“When you think you know somebody, you only see what they want you to see. Knowing somebody is to let them see the real you”

“When you judge others, you just put your own punishment on your head”

“When you love your enemy, you just won your hardest battle. To make peace is to make love with hatred”

“To forgive someone who hurt you is to make peace with yourself”

“A friend is someone who stays when you are weak and be your strength. A fake friend is someone who stays when you are strong and take the last breath of your weaknesses”

“To live is to experience life. To hope is to experience faith. To love is to experience God”

“The biggest failure in life is when you gives up hope”

“A wise woman prepare for the worst time, while other women just enjoy the preparation itself and never be prepare until it’s too late”

“Comfort words in time of needs is better than gold. Wise action is better than power without control”

“To have faith is to hold onto something beyond your power. To hope is to have a confident to live for tomorrow will be better than today. To love is to kiss God’s face, feel His heartbeat and touch His throne”

“A soldier who die for his country is a soldier who won his battle and gain lives of freedom for his next generation”

“To protect is to serve. To serve is to gain. To gain is to sacrifices. To sacrifices is to win”

“The pure beauty is to look deep inside your heart and find no evil. Spending time with the devil is to lose God’s blessing”

“Your heart is your judge.Your mind is your counsel. Your action is your case”

“When problem comes and trouble arises, don't ask WHY, don't RUN from it but deal it ..face it..and say..WHAT’S NEXT??”

“Dont waste your time to fight something that is already been defeated”

“A loser thinks,he is a winner. A winner thinks,he has conquer the day”

“Courage makes your head up, it’s uplifting your deepest ego, it makes you see more of either a victory you had or even the most terrible tragedy in life"

“Success is not about the result, it is about how you do it, if at the end it turns out not the way you expect it to be, the important part is you do the BEST you can, that is success”

“Honesty is a part of your heart’s reflection”

“You never know what LOVE is until you face it, fight it..and lost it”

“What you see is not always what you get.What you sow is what you get”

“Every wrong action starts with a wrong decision”

“Victory is not about win or lose. Victory is about how you solve your biggest battle in life and not doing the same mistake twice”

“When you think you have gained something big in life, it probably just a small piece of life. You will gain something big when you are done in this world, see your Creator smile and said, "IT IS FINISH", for one man’s life will soon be past, what is done for God will last forever….”

“You think you know somebody, but you will never know somebody until you UNDERSTAND yourself first. You will not gained trust from others, until you trust yourself”

“Love is NOT blind, you will have to SEE to know what love is really all about”

“You can run but cant hide from God’s calling,because He will keep find you and bring you back to where u failed and hide and He will make you start over again, only this time you will not fail again”

“The only way to return when you lost, is to walk back from where you have started it and change the second step”



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