Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sometimes the beginning of great things are not that great

Getting out of the most comfortable box in your life and move to something new, something unexpected and something you know will make you go crazy for a while is hard to do.

My life in a transition phase and its not that I am worry, its just that I hope we could start everything fresh.

I am still learning to do God’s will and trying to trust Him at ALL times. Its hard to do but I am trying to do it. So many times it is so easy to do God’s will but many times its not that easy, especially when you really like your life now and He wants you to move on.

I always remember Pastor Miles McPherson's words,when God wanted him to start his own church. He was one of the Pastor in Horizon Church, one of the big church in San Diego. God simply said to him “Its time to go." He didn't have anything at that time, well not that much to start a church of his own. But look at him now, his church (The Rock Church in San Diego) is one of the most influential, blessed and it is growing so fast into a big fruitful church.

Horizon and The Rock Church are still in a great relationship until now. The beauty of fulfilling God's calling is love. The ministries are awesome, the people are amazing, its the BEST church I have ever attended (trust me I have been all over lol). Its all started with “Its time to go” and trusting God for the rest.

Its kinda cool when you heard it from someone else's experiences and you saw the result. But whats not too cool is the beginning before all of that big puzzles shows its great thing.

The beginning of every great thing is not always easy or fun or great as it is now.

As for now, I am preparing to leave my comfort zone if thats what it takes to make me see the big puzzle. I am just trying to live my life and be obedient to the one who created me. I owe him my life. I dont wanna be dead and do nothing for Him because I was too comfortable with my own life and forgot or chose not to do His will for other people through me. I live to bless others as well and I live to impact others in a good way.

I sometimes surprises to see so many people who called themselves Christians and all they do is just pleasing themselves. They treating God as a servant who must bless them and only them. Money is not always God’s way to bless you, sometimes tragedy can turns into blessing. Look at His own dead on the cross for us, wasn't that such a "tragedy" of life? But he turned that tragedy into blessing, which is our salvation! Some sad stories in your life, some “tragedies” in your life, breaking up with a boyfriend, death of someone dearest, sick, unemployed, etc.

All the not so fun kicked in life, but it turns into s great lesson for life itself. Its actually makes you even stronger and do better in life, now that's tragedy into blessings! That's water into wine, that's death into eternal life. Not all great things started with great things as well. Sometimes it takes not so great things to exist in order to make it greater than before.

beautiful Pictures, Images and Photos


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